**Privacy Policy for Lighthouse Point Yacht Club App**
This Privacy Policy outlines how Lighthouse Point Yacht Club App ("we," "our," or "us") collects, uses, and protects your information when you use our mobile application. By accessing or using the app, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
1. Access to Third-Party Accounts
We may request access to your third-party accounts, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, Google Drive, Stripe, and others. This access may be required for specific app functionalities and services. We assure you that we will only access the necessary information and will not misuse or share your credentials.
2. Analytics
We utilize analytics tools to enhance your experience. At a minimum, we use Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics for Apps, and Yahoo Advertising conversion tracking. These tools help us analyze app usage, trends, and user behavior to improve our services.
3. Contacting the User
At a minimum, we collect information for the Contact Form, Mailing List or Newsletter, and Phone Contact features. This information is used to communicate with you and provide relevant updates.
4. Displaying Content from External Platforms
We may display content from external platforms, including but not limited to Google Calendar, Google Maps, Instagram, SoundCloud, Spotify, TripAdvisor, Vimeo, and YouTube. These platforms may collect data as specified in their respective privacy policies.
5. Advertising
We may use advertising services such as Google AdSense, DoubleClick, and others. These services may use cookies to display personalized content. You can opt-out of personalized advertising in your device settings.
6. Backup Saving and Management
We implement backup systems to ensure the safety and integrity of your data. This process is managed securely to prevent unauthorized access.
7. Commercial Affiliation
We may engage in commercial affiliations to support and enhance our services. Any such affiliations will be transparently communicated in-app.
8. Content Commenting
Users may comment on content within the app. These comments are visible to other users, and we reserve the right to moderate and remove inappropriate content.
9. Content Performance and Features Testing (A/B Testing)
We may conduct A/B testing to optimize app performance and features. Any data collected during testing is anonymized and used solely for improvement purposes.
10. Device Permission for Personal Data Access
Certain features may require access to device permissions for personal data. We only request permissions necessary for app functionality.
11. Further Information about Personal Data
For additional details about how we handle personal data, please refer to our comprehensive Privacy Policy available on our website.
12. Handling Activity Data
We collect and analyze activity data to enhance user experience and app performance. This data is treated with the utmost confidentiality.
13. Handling Payments
When processing payments, we use secure and reputable payment gateways to protect your financial information.
14. Heat Mapping and Session Recording
We may use heat mapping and session recording tools to understand user interactions within the app, ensuring an optimal user experience.
15. Hosting and Backend Infrastructure
Our hosting and backend infrastructure adhere to industry standards to ensure data security and integrity.
16. Infrastructure Monitoring
We continuously monitor our infrastructure to identify and address potential security issues proactively.
17. Interaction with Data Collection Platforms and Other Third Parties
Interactions with third-party data collection platforms are conducted in accordance with their respective privacy policies.
18. Interaction with External Social Networks and Platforms
Interactions with external social networks and platforms are subject to the privacy policies of those entities.
19. Interaction with Live Chat Platforms
Live chat functionality, if available, is used to provide real-time support. Conversations may be logged for quality assurance purposes.
20. Interaction with Online Survey Platforms
User participation in online surveys is voluntary. Survey responses are collected anonymously and used for improving our services.
21. Interaction with Support and Feedback Platforms
We encourage users to provide feedback and support requests. Information shared is used to address concerns and enhance user experience.
22. Location-Based Interactions
Certain features may require access to your location for enhanced functionality. Your location data is treated with confidentiality.
23. Managing Contacts and Sending Messages
We may manage contacts and send messages to provide important updates or information relevant to your use of the app.
24. Managing Landing and Invitation Pages
We use landing and invitation pages for promotional and informational purposes, adhering to privacy standards.
25. Managing Support and Contact Requests
Support and contact requests are handled securely, and information provided is used solely for issue resolution and communication purposes.
26. Platform Services and Hosting
We rely on third-party platform services and hosting providers to deliver our app. These providers adhere to industry standards for data protection.
27. Registration and Authentication
User registration and authentication processes are designed to safeguard your account information.
28. Remarketing and Behavioral Targeting
We may use remarketing and behavioral targeting services to enhance user engagement and deliver personalized content.
29. RSS Feed Management
RSS feed management is employed to provide users with relevant content updates. Data is handled in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
30. Social Features
Social features within the app are designed to enhance user interaction. Your privacy is a priority, and we do not misuse or share your social interactions without your consent.
31. Traffic Optimization and Distribution
We optimize app traffic to ensure a seamless user experience. Data collected is used for performance enhancement only.
32. User Database Management
User database management is conducted securely to protect your information. We do not sell or share user data with unauthorized third parties.
For any concerns or inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at Julia@lhpyc.com
This Privacy Policy is effective as of March 1st, 2024 and may be updated periodically. Please review the policy regularly for any changes.